Thursday, October 04, 2007

All's quiet

My wheels are not rolling. Dust gathers in my shoes and settles on my it waits patiently for me to finish my two week hiatus. As I'm running instead, lactic acid gathers in my quads after months of being spoiled by consistent, pounding the pavement, I remember how much I love riding. (and did I mention how sore I am? Carrie, too.)

Don't get me wrong. I like running. But a forced vacation from the bike has been challenging. Every day that I get in my car to drive my 6 miles to work, I wince. I miss it. I missed my Wednesday night ride last night and can't wait to join them with lights next week!!!

But for now, I can dust off my running shoes and my nano and hit the road and reinvent my obsession with constant workout data! If only Apple would bother to sell nanos with decent factory headphones; I'm constantly poking them back in my ears!


Unknown said...

chris, we missed you for sure last night. but i'm sure the two week hiatus is very important and so on that account way to stay off the bike! have a great weekend. see you next week.

How do i get to my old stuff said...

Two whole weeks completely off. No commute even. Dang. Don't know if I could do that. Been doing a bit of running, but mostly just up a dam hill. ;) Holmes Lake Dam, BTW. (If I was gonna cuss, I'd spell it right.)