Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hello, Missouri!

In this month's Outside magazine, they outline the best places to live all around the country. We all know how great places like the SF Bay Area (Santa Cruz) is. The whole Pacific Coast, OK, anything on a coast has a leg-up on us land-locked folks. But, not only is STL NOT on the list, nowhere in Missouri is called out. Not surprised, right? Me neither.

On my flight out to SF I watched the burbs sprawl out below me. I shook my head and was filled with a sudden rush of panic. As I sadly noticed all the brown, newly bull-dozed land I wondered when Castlewood would be the Forest Park of the suburbs. As a woods-filled park, it's over-crowded and the traffic to get there is rarely the breeze it used to be.


No, I'm not surprised. St. Louis barely exists as a "city"; it's a sprawling, chaotic mess. Who will save our green?

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