Monday, January 08, 2007

Man-haters Unite!

I'm going to (attempt to) dispell what I suspect may be a myth: We're an anti-male feminist riding group.

Um...(dramatic pause), we're not. We actually like men and many members of the club are married to them. Men. Various members are married to various men. Whatever! You get the point!

Men. We often ride with them. Hell, sometimes we even race against, er, with them. But, in establishing the club, we just thought it would be a good idea to generate an environment where women didn't have to worry about men; there's plenty of time for that everywhere else.

Just in case you were wondering.

Also, it's my personal new year's resolution to "blog" more. Winter sucks for many reasons. The main one is that it's really hard to get out and ride in the few hours of daylight--by myself, let alone with a group of people. So, maybe there's a few people out there like me, perusing the web by the dim light of your screen after 5pm. I hope to keep you better company in the future.

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